Tag: The Captain


Back on point after a short break! So, what happened? Not much to speak of but we do suggest checking out Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole. This is a podcast tip for whoever wants to laugh and also dip their toe into the dark, murky and, at times, bizarre world of conspiracy. ‘DITRH’ is a

Four To The Floor – Episode 41

Want some party style  disco tunes for your battle weapons collection? “Oooh La La, C’est magnifque”.   How To Roast A Duck Saltwater Crocodile Information/Facts WWW.BEATLAB.COM     www.veryfunkyrecords.com

Four To The Floor – Episode 33

I remember a time when I was riding a train up the Yungfrow in Switzerland.  It was to be my first attempt at skiing, my family and I sat in the deathly slow train as it climbed up and past trees, rocks and green and grey landscapes that soon gave way to a light dusting


Yo Yo Yo! We’re very happy to announce www.veryfunkyrecords.com has found a new residence in Brighton.  Every Friday @ Maloolah Bah.  We present “GO FUNK YOURSELF”.  Brighton’s most exciting new Friday night free event.  We build the night slowly with some Classic Funk and Disco from such artists as James Brown, MJ, Chic, Fred Wesley

Four To The Floor – Episode 26

Blah Blah Blah Free Download – Blah Blah Blah Good Music – It would seem appropriate to reflect and compile a playlist of ‘VFR’ favorite tunes from 2013.  This post is not that…  I am always very impressed with the view from the top of Devils Dyke in Sussex.  John Constable described the panorama from Devil’s