DSC_0423My girlfriend and I traveled to France last weekend and two things have become abundantly clear from our time spent in the romantic city of Paris.  1. Roller Blades are very much still in fashion in France.  2.  So are roll neck sweaters.  We walked and walked and walked all day long, using the Metro, buses and “pedal bike Tuc -Tuc guys”.  As this was my first real experience of Paris I was instantly impressed with the city architecture.  The uniform nature of the streets and buildings make for pleasing viewing especially from the Eiffel Tower or “Sacre-Cuore” (A cathedril on a natural hill overlooking the city).  We stayed for 4 nights from Thursday to Sunday and there is nothing I can tell you that hasn’t already been written in a million guides over the years.  I would however highly recommend St Michael opposite Notre Dame and sitting prominently on the Seine.  A rabbit warren of tiny streets, bars and restaurants that buzz with tourists, entertainers, students and locals.

USA – SWAT team raids wrong house. 

Report from – Man caught putting formaldehyde in water system, causing Ebola like symptoms.

12 Habits of highly successful people

American cop kills a seemingly harmless puppy 🙁