A Million Ways To Pun This Movie Title

Not even Gilbert Gottfred dressed as Abe Lincoln   could save this movie.  “Err what If I had something in this hand, and it made you forget whatever was in that hand, suddenly you thought, what was that?”  How about an original script that worked you fucking assholes.  Before you run to the cinema and pay too many monies for hot dogs and Pepsi that kills your stomach lining and rots your brain, be very aware that “A Million Ways to Die in the West” is just “A Million Dollar casting audition for Seth Macfarlene”.   It’s not that it’s very bad, but it’s just not very good.  “Family Guy” and “American Dad” are continually hilarious.  Disappointingly “The Cleveland Show” has been dropped from the three show cartoon “menagerie that make up Seth’s day to day. “Oh Noooo”!*  After the huge success of Ted, the magical and also absurd comedy, I had high apple pie hopes for this next feature and I sat in Brighton ODEON with eyes wide….

Screen Play – Seth Macfarlene

Produced by – Seth Macfarlene

Directed by – Seth MACFARLENE


(Gilbert again). “Does anybody else here know of a position, that Seth Macfarlene didn’t hold while making this Movie?”  The varied action scenes and violence often become far too stomach churning and frankly hard to watch.  In one scene the Neil Patrick Harris character defecates into two cowboy hats consecutively and in another a sheep penis urinates on Seth.  Highbrow!  Replete with fart gags and more sheep penises you will need to look else where for an edgie slick comedy as the script meanders through the mundaine.  Some gags land and the film sports multiple cameos (one is awesome)  but you will find yourself becoming bored with this over long, and deliberately over “Sethed” Macfarlene feature.
