Christmas Day 2013

Ho Ho Holy House Music Batman it’s Christmas Day 2013!  My Christmas Day question is this, who doesn’t like The Muppets Christmas Carol?  The fusion of the Dickens’ classic and the Muppets’ universe is possibly the greatest thing to ever come out of the Jim Henson studio so far.  The make-believe world in which Humans and Muppets live in harmony is utterly absurd but at the same time a triumph of festive spirit, yule cheer and joyous magical bonhomie. A world where a pack of rats double as book keeping staff under the employ of Ebenezer Scrooge, penguins freely ice skate through the London streets and Gonzo narrates the unfolding story as Dickens himself, all the while dutifully accompanied by Rizo the rat.  Also Michael Caine…

"Gonzo Porn..."

“Would you watch Gonzo Porn…?”

The Making Of “The Muppet Christmas Carol”

Nosey neighbour Michael Paine